A talented and acclaimed artist from New Paltz, NY, Leslie Bender creates personal work concerning situations and ideas that are supercharged with life energy which have drawn her like a magnet from the first day she picked up a palette knife. These include, among other dynamics, the edge of the ocean, social interactions, the symphony orchestra, the symbolic power and grace of horses, and the many implications of allegory, dream and myth. In each, she invests her passions, her intuition and the knowledge and experience she has gained in her 30 year career to fulfill the purpose of the artist in any society to interpret our individual and communal life experience and to reach towards surpassing universal or spiritual truths. Leslie also creates murals, portraits, theater backgrounds and is a well regarded educator.
We are in process of updating our holdings of her work. Many of the paintings shown below are still available. Prices for work in our holdings range from $600 to $5,000.