Oil Paintings, Egg Tempera and Works on Paper -
Archive: Olga has retired an no longer represented.

We have had a long and blessed relationship with this energetic and formidable creative octogenarian! Ogla believes that "we all live with a duality which is intrinsic to our human nature: on the one hand an inner world of faith, of interiority: the thread of prayer, of relationship to God. On the other, our outer world of relationships with people, with nature: the persona we put forth. It is that "edge" where the outer world encounters my interiority, which I address in my paintings. They are the expression of my experience and emotions. They invite the viewer to share them with me.

She also work as an iconographer. "It is through iconography that prayer is brought into the visual world. The iconographer "writes" with the discipline of theological expression, from within an established tradition, imparting his or her personal imprint on a tradition which is received and understood by an entire community. Icons are used in prayer both at home and in church, where each image has its proper place and function. It is a meeting place between heaven and earth, a window through which the beholder contemplates the Kingdom of God."

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Olga Poloukhine was born in Paris France and is a White Russian emigre. She was educated at Douglass College, Rutgers with a degree in Art Education from Columbia University. She has won numerous awards for her work and is proud to be a member of the National Association of Women Artists and the New York Society of Women Artists. She is an art educator as well as a practitioner.